Saturday, August 8, 2015

Red Folder... Giving Peace of Mind to High Risk Occupations

Red Folder

First Responders are key to our communities on a variety of levels. These include maintaining peace and order as well as providing safety and care to those in need.  Regardless, each First Responder knows why they put on their uniform each and every morning – service to others. But what of the first responder – who is there to assist these fine men and women?

Christopher Burgess, CEO of Prevendra and the creator of Red Folder and the rest of the Prevendra team believe strongly in Safe Call Now®’s mission. We know that every first responder will at one time or another during the course of their career have an opportunity to help one of their colleagues or family member with a crisis (big or small).

Life interrupts, and much of our ability to respond to the needs of another are tied to knowledge about the individual whom we are trying to assist and their needs and wants.  Red Folder accomplishes this task. The information which is important to you, securely archived for your designated trustee (designee).

We believe Red Folder should be in the hands of every individual and their families. To facilitate putting Safe Call Now in the hands of every First Responder, we will be donating 25% of every Red Folder subscription purchased via this link:  SAFE CALL NOW – RED FOLDER

We invite you to try Red Folder for you and your family with our 30-day free trial. If at the end of the free trial period, you chose to not continue, you may take your Red Folder content with you and delete the account with two clicks (one to download your Red Folder and the second to delete the account).

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