Monday, September 14, 2015

First Responders & Substance Abuse...

By Summit BHC

Choosing a career as a first responder means putting your well-being behind those you serve.

If you are in this line of work, you are well aware of the potentially dangerous situations that come with it. From exposure to contagious diseases, to violent situations. Our police officers, firefighters, 911 operators, paramedics, correction officers, military, hospital and trauma workers put their lives at risk in order to keep ours safe. Imagine a job that is stressful and dangerous at the same time?
First responders and substance abuse could be an issue at any time.

Without warning, substance abuse could take hold of a new hire or a 15 year veteran. Any stressful situation or dangerous encounter could trigger our responders to seek a substance or activity in order to numb or treat the feelings brought on by the stress and trauma of the profession. The problem begins when one uses a substance or activity in order to ‘numb’ to the feelings, or treat their symptoms such as anxiety, stress and depression without a doctor’s care. 

Doing so merely covers the underlying problem like a band aid. When the band-aid is removed, one can get triggered again, the symptoms return and so does the self medication… and thus the vicious cycle of addiction begins.

Thankfully, with public knowledge and awareness around PTSD, we’re beginning to talk about first responders and substance abuse, and having the ability to offer them the help they need without feeling shamed. By educating ourselves, and providing a safe environment for an open dialogue, we can better treat our first responders and substance abuse. Our first responders protect and care for us while in and sometimes out of uniform. It’s our turn to show our appreciation by treating them with dignity and respect by offering them the help they deserve.

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