Thursday, January 21, 2016

#1stresponders and Overloaded Thinking...

By Safe Call Now®'s Steve Gutzler

I've learned a valuable lesson. My mind gives back to me exactly what I put into it. The greatest enemy to my best thoughts is to dilute it with information overload. 

I like to give myself ample space to reflect. This time is essential for me to assess where I am with my life and where I'd like it to go.  

“The best #1stresponders reserve time for quality thinking.”
The following are a series of questions I like to ask myself during my thinking time each week: 
  • What is working well?
  • What is not working well?
  • What is the best use of my time this week? 
  • What can I delegate or eliminate? 
  • What am I putting off that I need to work on?
  • Who do I need to invest in that will help multiply my impact and influence?
  • Who do I need to stay in touch with today?
Remember, a few minutes of quality "thinking time" is often more valuable than an hour of surface level conversation or unplanned work. 

When you make thinking time for yourself this week, what questions will you ask yourself?

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