Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Family Time First...

By Safe Call Now®'s Steve Gutzler

I recently had the privilege of having a breakfast meeting with my son, Jayce. We sat in a restaurant overlooking Lake Washington on a beautiful, crisp blue day. He is in law enforcement and we were meeting with a fellow officer. As we sat relaxed, I was reminded again of how valuable and precious family time is. I have dozens of meetings with business professionals, I pour into them daily. 
Questions for 2016: How often and how much will I pour into my family? Do I really believe family is first? And do I show my family that they are first? I may not be able to schedule the same hours I do for work, but I can be far more intentional with the hours I have for them. 
I have aggressive goals for 2016, including publishing a book, speaking nationally and coaching over 30 leaders monthly. One goal I do not want to miss is quality family time with my wife, three children, and five grandchildren. I read something recently that inspired me to devote more quality time for those I love. I hope it inspires you to make 2016 a year of Family First
Jonathan Edward, born in 1702, was a theologian, pastor and President of Princeton. He lived in many places over his lifetime, including Connecticut, New York and Massachusetts, but regardless of his busy life he was a devoted family man. In 1900, A.E. Winship studied 1,400 descendants of Jonathan and his wife Sarah. Among them, there were: 
·         13 college presidents
·         65 professors
·         100 lawyers
·         30 judges
·         66 physicians, including a medical school dean
·         80 held public offices, including: 3 U.S. Senators, 3 mayors, 3 governors, a Controller of the U.S. Treasury and one U.S. Vice President
Were all of Edward's descendants high achievers? Certainly not, but the pattern is clear: A good family is an incredible advantage in life. One of the best investments you and I can make in 2016 is quality family time
"While you can't do much about your ancestors, you can influence your descendants greatly."
Blessings to You (and your family),
Steve Gutzler

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