Sunday, April 5, 2015

PTSD... The Truth Shall Set You Free...

Happy Easter from Safe Call Now® Chaplain Ron Jones

Albert Einstein stated, “Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.” Sounds very similar to a principle Jesus Christ taught, “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities” (Luke 16:10). I would encourage the reading of this chapter in its entirety as it holds as much relevance today as when first spoke by Christ.   

Look at what is stated or implied: faithful, honesty, responsibilities, trustworthiness, character, fidelity, management, conscience, habit, honor, opportunity, diligence, foresight, duty, and integrity; just to name a few descriptors. As first responders we have all heard and spoke these words in our oath, pledge, vow, affirmation, promise, or testimony. 

We live by creeds and ethos; no one left behind, we all go home, watch your six, I’ve got your back…   

I confess I often struggle with the little things and feel overwhelmed with the large ones. The old cliché, which has been adapted from scripture, “Confession is good for the soul” rings true. Augustine noted that "the confession of evil works is the first beginning of good works." 

Living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and being what is commonly referred to as a recovering alcoholic; I could easily justify why I might be exempt from the above character traits. Having violated or seriously compromised most if not all these principles during my life, I had to face the reality that I was not being faithful in the little things. Those certain non-negotiables were compromised, those greater responsibilities. 

In 2003 I hit the last of many bottoms, I was a dead man walking. I was left with one choice, something I had not done since early childhood, I cried out to God. He heard my desperate plea and confession, this broken man was redeemed by the grace of his Creator. This compelled me to pay it forward, to make amends, to forgive, to rely on God. My spiritual journey brought me to Rob Michaels with Serve & Protect and Rob introduced me to Sean at Safe Call Now® where I have met others who have the same desire, pay it forward. 

For those who follow Christ, Easter is a reminder that death has been defeated, that irregardless of our past, present, and future sins, we are forgiven and have come into a right relationship with God by faith. If you’re struggling, know that Rob, Sean and many others at Serve & Protect and Safe Call Now® are understanding and would be honored to help you find the services and help you deserve. God bless all our first responders and their families. 

Chaplain Ron Jones

1 comment:

  1. Happy Easter all... Outstanding article Ron, Thank You!!!
