Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Power of Abundant Thinking...

By Safe Call Now®'s Steve Gutzler

Over the years, I've noticed that there are two kinds of thinking... One leads to success, joy and fulfillment. The other leads to failure, fear and discontent. 
For personal leaders to be successful, they need to be abundant thinkers. Characteristics of abundant thinkers include:
  • Believing there is more where that came from. 
  • Giving abundantly, being generous. 
  • Sharing ideas, knowledge, and contacts. 
  • Building relationships through trust and kindness. 
  • Delivering more than expected. 
  • Spreading their enthusiasm.
  • Dreaming big and taking action. 
  • Displaying confidence. 
  • Appreciating what they have. 
  • Out-hustling the competition. 
Question - What are the abundant characteristics you possess? What characteristics are you willing to adopt? Are there any that are no longer serving you?
Here's to building abundant thinkers!

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