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By Safe Call Now®'s Steve Gutzler |
There was a day when my
dreams were a "10" but my self-image as a person was a "5."
I've worked hard to build myself up, to be true and authentic, to be humble,
and to be confident.
If I look in the mirror
and feel negative about what I see, inside and out, it's impossible to be
positive and add value to myself and others. I have certainly not mastered a
powerful self-image but I am far better than I was 10 years ago. I believe my
dreams and self-image are better aligned now. I am discovering powerful results
and consistent success and for that I am thankful!
like to offer 7 steps to build a powerful self-image:
- Build on what you like - Most people dwell on what they don't like about themselves. Too tall, too short, too fat, too skinny. Our image obsessed culture is choking out our uniqueness. Take a few simple moments each day and point out what you like about yourself. Your looks, your heart, your gifts.
- Build better self-talk - We all have an inner dialogue that runs throughout our day. I call it your "big voice" and "small voice." My self-image started to change when I realized I could influence and control my self-talk. Become an encourager, a cheerleader, a coach. Every positive thing you say to yourself helps your self-image.
- Build on an empowering written statement - The practice of journaling has slowed my morning routine and has allowed me to intentionally write out one empowering statement each day. For example, "Today I will be energetic, enthusiastic, and a contagious solutions finder."
- Build a leadership vocabulary - Take my 30 day challenge. Get a nice colorful rubber band and put it on your left wrist. Each time you speak negative or critically... don't snap it... simply place it on your other wrist. Keep track of how many times you have to change wrists with the rubber band. I guarantee over the course of 30 days you'll shift from a negative personal mindset to a strong leadership vocabulary.
- Build on one action each day - It's called the power of a 1% action. It could be one healthy choice around nutrition, time management, self-care, or spiritual peace. Do one thing to improve yourself each day - no exceptions.
- Build your successful disciplines list - We become what we focus on. I've encouraged my coaching clients to build a list of their successful disciplines. A disciplined life is a healthy life. Your self-image will grow quickly.
- Build and celebrate private victories - Sunday is my day to reflect and review. Part of my review is celebrating my private victories, victories no one else sees that I accomplished. It could be as simple as holding my commitment to rise early and honor spiritual commitments of solitude and journaling. It could be successfully delivering a leadership training with energy, detail, and passion.
We live in a cynical
culture and it takes a strong personal leader to build a powerful self-image.
Each time you take a step forward, think a positive thought, make a healthy
choice, and practice a small discipline - your self-image grows more powerful
and the results lead to better successes.
Here's to building a powerful self-image!
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